Successful businesses often grow out of big problems. The American College of Prosthodontics suggests there are 178 million adults in this country with at least one tooth missing. Sales of dental items and equipment were $106.7 billion in 2010, and that number will only get bigger. It is projected to cross $160 billion in 2030. Sales of prosthetics and dental implants are projected to cross the $12 billion mark by 2021.
This is why an investment in dental care and MyDentalWig is a great opportunity. MyDentalWig is FDA approved and fully patented. Our patent process allows us to replace missing teeth directly from the client’s house. We go to them, take a mold, and create a custom fitting DentalWig for the consumer. For added security, GPS check-in and check-out technology is integrated into the MyDentalWig App and allows us to know where you are, that you have arrived and that you have left your client. In other words, you stay safe.
MyDentalWig is already one of the busiest sites online. We have thousands followers on Twitter and over 34,000 Facebook likes alone. We reach over 100,000 people every week. The need is tremendous for affordable dental care and MyDentalWig technologists talk to people every day, and it is clear that affordable dental care is a hot-topic item.
As a partner in the business, you will become a protected single source for your territory, and you gain access to our large pool of prospects and clients driven by social media marketing. You can earn up to five times the industry standard. Investment money for your partnership includes access to equipment, training, and all marketing initiatives. You will earn 50 percent for every sale you make.
There is high demand in multiple zip codes nationwide, including zips in very expensive areas like New York City, Atlanta, Huston and Chicago. Territories are moving quickly as they are opened up. You can get started for as little as $5,000 down: $5,000 down non-refundable, pick and save your zip codes (up to 100,000 people), you have 12 months to pay or finance your balance.
If you want information on this fast growing dental care opportunity, now is the time to contact us. Become MyDentalWig partner and help us grow our company.Dental care shouldn’t have to be super-expensive. Make an appointment with a representative to hear all about us and our products and decide for yourself. +1 562-673-3316
By Lydie Livolsi April 16, 2018

Arlene Ross is a health blogger who enjoys writing on her website. Arlene has always had an interest in medicine, and she hopes to become a doctor one day. She loves reading about medical discoveries, especially when they are for rare conditions that don’t have much research yet. She also likes exploring the science behind different diets and nutrition programs.